Beaufort Stairwell Accident Lawyer

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Stairwells are essential parts of multi-level buildings. Even if a building has elevators or escalators, local fire codes require the use of stairways to allow for quick access or escape. As a result, it is unlikely that someone will not encounter stairs they visit another’s property.

Because of the nature of these structures, it is essential that landowners keep them in a safe condition. This includes maintaining the structural integrity of the stairs, installing proper hand railings, and ensuring that carpeting or other coverings are safe. Failure to perform routine maintenance could lead to dangerous situations that result in severe injuries.

People who suffer injuries from stairwell accidents in Beaufort may have the right to seek out compensation for their losses. Hiring an accomplished Beaufort slip and fall accident attorney at Schiller & Hamilton could help you better understand your legal rights and allow you to focus on making your best recovery.

Damages in Beaufort Stairway Incident Claims

If someone falls down a set of stairs, they could suffer from catastrophic injuries or even die. Instead of a single trip to the ground, falling down staircases can result in multiple impacts that affect many parts of the body. As a result, the medical care necessary to help a person make a full recovery can be substantial. This can include an ambulance ride, emergency room care, surgery, and extensive rehabilitation.

These incidents have the potential to impact other aspects of a person’s life. They may cause a person to be in significant pain or devastate their ability to enjoy life. Time spent making a recovery could force someone to miss shifts at work. In the most extreme cases, a fall down the stairs could result in a permanent disability that leaves a person unable to support themselves or their families. Spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and traumatic brain injuries are all possible in stairway accidents.

Property owners that cause these injuries by not properly maintaining their stairs may be responsible for covering these losses. A dedicated attorney at Schiller & Hamilton could help to pursue insurance claims and lawsuits that arise from Beaufort staircase injury cases.

When is a Property Owner Liable if Someone Gets Injured on a Staircase?

An owner being responsible for a stairwell accident depends on two main factors. The first is the type of visitor that got hurt on the property, and the second is if the owner took steps to prevent harm from happening to the visitor.

Types of Visitors

If someone enters a property for their own benefit, they are a licensee. An example includes a guest at a birthday party. The property owner or manager must warn the guest about any known hazards. For instance, if the owner knows that carpeting is loose on a stair, they must inform the guest so that the guest can take proper precautions.

Other guests are invitees. These people enter land for the benefit of the owner, such as to spend money. An example of an invitee is a shopper at a supermarket. The property owner must inform the guest of known hazards and regularly inspect the land for potential dangers. Failure to perform either of these steps may leave the owner responsible for any losses a person suffers on their land.

Steps Taken to Prevent Harm

Any landowner needs to take steps to protect the guest from harm. If an owner fails to act reasonably according to their duties under the law, they are likely to blame for the fall. If this happens, South Carolina Code § 15-3-530 states that an injured person has three years from the time of the fall to seek out compensation.

A knowledgeable attorney could help someone understand if a property owner is at fault for their stairway accident in Beaufort.

Call an Attorney Today about Stairwell Accidents in Beaufort

Landowners have a duty under the law to properly maintain their premises. Failure to do so could result in guests getting injured. An attorney could help you if you have suffered an injury after stairwell accident in Beaufort. They can take the lead to investigate the incident, establish an owner’s liability, and demand proper compensation to cover your losses. Call Schiller & Hamilton today to learn more.

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