Beaufort – Student Defense Lawyer

Beaufort Student Defense Lawyer

Many people enrolled in university take full advantage of their newfound freedom to find new interests, meet new people, and explore what kind of person they want to be. This freedom comes responsibility, and since they are no longer minors, most people in college are subject to the same criminal laws as other adults. If circumstances permit, they could face charges in adult criminal court if they violate those laws.

Criminal allegations at school can have a substantial impact in the courtroom and on campus, so it is crucial for students accused of misconduct to be represented by a knowledgeable defense attorney at Schiller & Hamilton. With a qualified Beaufort student defense lawyer on your side, you could have much better chances of minimizing long-term repercussions.

Common Scholar Criminal Charges

Although alcohol use is common on almost all college campuses in the nation, the legal drinking age is 21 years old. This means that many university students are not legally allowed to purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic drinks. Any scholar found to have violated this law may have to pay a fine, attend a mandatory alcohol intervention program, and possibly serve time in jail.

Other common student criminal offenses that Beaufort attorneys commonly help with include:

Regardless of their criminal history, of lack thereof, a scholar convicted of a criminal offense could face consequences that last the rest of their life. This could include restrictions on where they can live, what jobs they can hold, and even what post-graduate schools they can attend.

Proceedings in University Conduct Boards

On top of proceedings in criminal court, individuals accused of a crime while at university or college may face substantial sanctions from their place of education. Criminal behavior of any kind will almost certainly count as a violation of the applicable student code of conduct. This violation could result in loss of privileges, suspension, or even expulsion in the event of a conviction.

An acquittal in criminal court may not be enough in every situation to ensure there are no consequences at school. This is because different rules may apply to these hearings compared to criminal trials. Students accused of conduct violations do not have the same constitutional rights they are afforded in court as they are often not allowed to bring a legal team to hearings with them.

Even so, a knowledgeable attorney in Beaufort could play a key role in preparing a student for upcoming conduct proceedings for their alleged criminal behavior.

Talk to a Beaufort Student Defense Attorney Today

While they are considered adults in the eyes of the law, college and university scholars still have their whole lives ahead of them. A single criminal conviction could have a cataclysmic impact on their professional and personal future. Anyone facing allegations of illegal activities on campus should seek guidance from an experienced legal representative at Schiller & Hamilton.

During a private consultation, a Beaufort student defense lawyer could help you understand the options available to you and explain what next steps might best help you protect yourself from long-term consequences. Call today to schedule a meeting.