Beaufort Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
In many ways, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be much more challenging to diagnose and treat other types of injuries. TBIs can occur even without outward signs of injury, and the effects can vary significantly from one victim to another.
If you or a loved one received a traumatic brain injury due to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to compensation. A Beaufort catastrophic injury lawyer could help you obtain the financial resources necessary to secure your future. To learn more, contact a Beaufort personal injury lawyer.
What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?
A traumatic brain injury is a form of head injury caused by an extreme external force that causes damage to the brain itself. The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can be subtle, especially in the beginning. Over time, however, a TBI can lead to permanent cognitive issues that can affect every aspect of an injured person’s life.
Signs and Symptoms of a TBI
In many cases, an injury victim suffering from a TBI may not be aware of the severity of their injury. Even if there were injuries like cuts or bruises on the exterior of the head, it is common for those wounds to heal while a brain injury persists.
A traumatic brain injury can lead to a broad range of possible symptoms. Many of these symptoms can feel unrelated to each other, which only further frustrates the injured person and obscures the cause of the symptoms. Some common signs of a TBI include:
- Persistent headaches
- Nausea
- Mood swings or emotional outbursts
- Dizziness
- Sensitivity to sound or light
- Seizures or other convulsions
- Dilated pupils
- Loss of feeling in extremities
It is essential to watch for these symptoms after head trauma, especially in children. While adults may be able to identify the issues plaguing them, it can be hard for a child to express what’s troubling them when there is no outward injury to point to.
When Does Negligence Lead to Brain Injury?
Not every brain injury provides grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. If an injury was the result of circumstances outside of any person’s control – or even by the injured person themselves – an injury lawsuit is not possible. However, if another person’s negligence directly caused the injury, there may be grounds for recovering monetary compensation.
There are a few ways to identify negligence. The most common is when an injury occurs at the hands of a person who owed some duty of care to the injured person. For example, drivers owe each other a duty to obey traffic laws, and landlords in high-crime areas owe their tenants a duty to take necessary safety measures.
If someone breaches their duty of care and an injury results, there may be a case for negligence. If a jury agrees, the court may award damages in the amount of the injury-related expenses. The concept of negligence can be subjective and is sometimes difficult to prove. Fortunately, a Beaufort traumatic brain injury attorney could provide guidance and fight for the victim’s right to recover compensation.
Learn How a Beaufort Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Can Help
A TBI can significantly impact every aspect of the life of an injury victim. If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI, a seasoned Beaufort traumatic brain injury lawyer may be able to help. Call Schiller & Hamilton to schedule a consultation with an attorney and begin working towards the compensation you need.