Beaufort – Jackknife Truck Accidents

Beaufort Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

Jackknife truck accidents have the potential to devastate everything in a big rig’s path. These accidents can result in severe injuries to other drivers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists. Recovering from injuries you sustain in a jackknifing tractor-trailer accident can take a long time to heal. This can complicate your finances, as medical bills pile up, and you miss time at work due to injury. With the help of an experienced Beaufort truck accident attorney, you could fight for the monetary compensation you need to make ends meet.

If you or a loved one sustained injuries due to a jackknife truck accident, you could file a lawsuit against the responsible party and seek damages. This process is never easy, especially without the guidance of legal counsel. A Beaufort personal injury lawyer could assist you in seeking compensation from the negligent trucker.

The Nature of a Jackknife Truck Accident

Jackknife accidents occur when an 18-wheeler loses control of their vehicle after overcorrecting. This overcorrection the cab of the vehicle in one direction, but the trailer in another. The result is the tractor and the trailer folding in on each other like a collapsible knife. Often, a jackknifing truck will lose control. In some cases, it will flip and roll.

There are many potential causes of a jackknife crash. In most cases, operator error is responsible. A distracted or intoxicated truck driver could cause a jackknife accident if they make a sudden turn or lose control of the vehicle. Attempting a sudden stop after traveling at high speeds can also lead to a jackknife.

There are other possible causes of a jackknife crash, as well. If poor road design or maintenance results in a truck losing control, an injury victim could seek compensation from the local government entity responsible for the roadway. If a mechanical defect is responsible, a victim could also seek compensation from the manufacturer. Identifying the responsible party in a jackknife crash can be complex, but a skilled Beaufort attorney could help a plaintiff with that process.

Potential Damages in a Jackknife Accident Lawsuit

Due to the devastating nature of these accidents, a jackknifing tractor-trailer crash can result in overwhelming medical bills. However, these are not the only types of damages a person sustains following a car crash

Pain and Suffering

A victim of a jackknife accident could seek compensation for their physical pain and suffering. While there is no easy way to identify the value of a person’s pain and suffering, a jury will listen to testimony and determine what the claim is worth.

Mental Anguish

An accident victim may also seek damages for the mental anguish they suffered in a crash. Mental anguish damages are only available following a bodily injury. They are different from pain and suffering damages in that they compensate a victim for the distress that occurs resulting from the injuries. In most cases, this anguish could last long after the physical pain subsides.

Medical Bills

Arguably the largest part of damages in most jackknife accident cases, medical bills can be extensive. A Beaufort jackknife truck accident attorney can seek damages for their client’s previous medical bills as well as their anticipated future medical expenses.

Working with a Beaufort Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney

Truck crashes are different from most negligence lawsuits. Commercial trucks and their operators must comply with countless federal regulations, and the failure to do so could have played a role in your crash. Understanding these regulations is an important part of prevailing in your case.

To ensure you have the support necessary to take on a negligent operator and their insurance company, contact a Beaufort jackknife truck accident lawyer right away. Call Schiller & Hamilton today.