Beaufort – Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

Beaufort Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Sexual abuse is arguably the worst form of elder abuse that occurs in nursing homes in Beaufort and across South Carolina. These disturbing acts are grounds for a criminal prosecution, and they carry significant penalties. However, the victims of nursing home sexual abuse also have recourse against the perpetrator in civil court. An experienced nursing home abuse attorney could help a victim and their family recover financial compensation from the person responsible.

Identifying nursing home abuse is often the most challenging aspect of a case. Many nursing home residents lack the mental capacity to report an assault, much less consent to a sexual act. This creates a dangerous situation where victims are at increased risk of assault while being less likely to report the crime.

Beaufort nursing home abuse lawyer could work with your loved one to hold the person or people responsible for their assault accountable. Through a thorough investigation, your attorney could uncover evidence and interview potential witnesses.

Warning Signs of Sexual Assault in a Beaufort Nursing Home

Identifying sexual abuse in a nursing home setting can be difficult. While many residents are aware of their surroundings, others face issues that can make reporting a crime impossible. In some cases, the threat of harm from the perpetrator could also keep a victim from reporting the assault to family or the authorities.

Despite these challenges, there are some common signs of nursing home abuse that every family member should be aware of. The most obvious signs involve injuries or trauma to genitalia or the diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease.

However, many signs are much less obvious. A victim may drop hints about what occurred, or mention it as if the assault had occurred to another resident. For many victims, the emotional toll of abuse can have a major impact on their personality. Victims could lash out, become depressed, or show other emotional reactions that are out of character.

Common Defendants in a Sexual Abuse Case

Most sexual abuse claims involve the person responsible for the assault. However, the owner or operator of a nursing home could also face liability depending on the circumstances. Following an initial investigation, a Beaufort personal injury attorney could bring a civil action against all of the parties responsible for the assault.


Caregivers are the most likely perpetrator in a nursing home sexual abuse case. They are frequently alone with residents and often have insight into which residents are the most vulnerable.

Facility Owners / Operators

A nursing home owner or operator could face liability for a resident’s assault on multiple grounds. If the owner or operator hired an unqualified or unsafe employee, they could be on the responsible for any harm that employee causes.

Discuss your Legal Options with a Beaufort Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Attorney

Beaufort nursing home residents deserve to live with peace of mind. Unfortunately, that safety and security can be shattered by a single act of sexual violence.

If your loved one was a victim of nursing home sexual abuse, you could pursue a claim for financial compensation against the perpetrator and any other responsible entity. To learn more about your options, reach out to a Beaufort nursing home sexual abuse lawyer at Schiller & Hamilton.