Whenever you are in an automobile accident, your vehicle will most likely be damaged. This damage may require body work and/or mechanical repair; in some cases, the damage is so severe that your vehicle is considered a “total loss” and you may be compensated for its value. During the time that your vehicle is being repaired – or being evaluated as a total loss – you will still need transportation. Generally speaking, the at-fault driver’s liability insurance is required to reimburse you for the loss of use of your vehicle or a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired. However, there are several issues that may come up that delay or otherwise cause issues with getting you into a rental car; so if you have the means, making sure that you have your own rental car coverage can definitely be a good idea.
There May Be Delays in the Liability Insurance Accepting Liability
First of all, your vehicle’s repairs and a rental car may be delayed by the liability insurance delaying their acceptance of liability. This can be due to several factors. Sometimes, liability is disputed due to the facts surrounding the collision. This happens often with cases involving traffic lights when each party claims they had a green signal or someone is making left turn. Other times, the liability carrier may be having difficulty getting in touch with their driver; generally, a liability insurance carrier will want to get their driver or insured’s version of events before they do anything! These issues, as well as others that may come up, can delay the liability insurance in beginning repairs on your vehicle and you having access to a rental car, which has a direct effect upon your life.
The Liability Insurance Carrier May Not Even Offer Rental Coverage
Recently, some major liability insurance companies have begun to stop providing a rental car under third-party liability claims. While the liability carrier has an obligation to reimburse for loss of use or reimbursement, that obligation does not directly relate to a requirement that they actually provide the rental vehicle. Some of these insurance carriers are now requiring that the claimant seek out their own rental vehicle at their own expense while their vehicle is being repaired, and the insurance carrier will reimburse that claimant for those expenses once the vehicle is repaired or the total loss value is paid out. If a claimant does not have the means to rent a vehicle themselves, they may be compensated for that loss of use; however, the claimant may be without transportation while their vehicle is being repaired.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself? Purchase Your Own Rental Coverage
In order to protect yourself in the event that you are in an accident, you should purchase rental car coverage under your own car insurance policy. Purchasing collision coverage and rental car coverage under your own auto insurance allows you to go through your own insurance policy immediately after an accident – whether you were at fault or not. If you file a collision claim under your own insurance, your insurance carrier will begin the process of repairing your vehicle and getting you into a rental car without having to wait for the liability carrier to accept liability. If another person is at fault, your insurance carrier will try to recover its costs and reimburse you for any deductible that you paid.
Take a moment to discuss your coverage with your auto insurance agent today. You may never know what type of coverage or what issues may arise with an at-fault driver’s liability insurance following a collision.