A side-impact car crash is one of the most dangerous types of car accidents possible. Car doors are one of the least-reinforced parts of the vehicle, which provides the occupant of a car with less protection compared to a front or rear impact.
A side-impact car accident is a collision that involves damage to the side of a vehicle. However, there are two different types of side-impact crashes. One type, known as T-bone accidents, involves the front of a vehicle directly impacting the side of another. The second type, broadside collisions, occurs when the sides of two vehicles make contact.
A compassionate car accident attorney could carefully review the facts of your case and advise you of your legal options. You may be eligible to recover compensation for your damages and injuries. Reach out to a Bluffton side-impact car accident lawyer to discuss your case.
Resolving a Claim through Settlement
It is common for a Bluffton side-impact car accident attorney to resolve an injury claim through a negotiated settlement. This settlement could be with the responsible driver, their employer, or their insurance company.
While settlements may be common, reaching an agreement for a fair amount can be a challenge. Settlement negotiations typically begin shortly after the injured motorist hires an attorney. After an initial investigation, the attorney will send a formal demand for settlement to the at-fault party or their attorney. This demand letter will highlight the plaintiff’s evidence that the defendant is liable for the accident. The letter will also seek a specified amount of money in exchange for an agreement not to file a lawsuit.
Some cases reach their conclusion at this point, particularly when liability is not in question. If the defendant believes they were not responsible or that the plaintiff’s demands are unreasonable, they might not agree to settle at all. When it is clear that a pre-suit settlement is unlikely, the plaintiff’s next option is to bring a lawsuit.
Filing a lawsuit does not foreclose the possibility of a settlement. In fact, many negotiations only become serious after the discovery phase of a lawsuit ends. The discovery phase involves both parties exchanging the evidence they intend to use at trial. Settlement remains an option up until the point of a trial. Some cases, however, never settle and require a jury to resolve.
Obtaining Compensation for Damages
Ultimately, the goal of a Bluffton attorney in a side impact car accident is to recover compensation for their client. A person injured in these types of accidents could be under significant financial strain following the crash. The high cost of medical care and car repairs can be burdensome for most people, and could further complicate things if the injured person is forced to miss work. Fortunately, injured claimants may be eligible to recover compensation for damages such as:
- Vehicle repair costs
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Loss of consortium
- Lost wages
- Disfigurement
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Disability
Whether a case reaches its conclusion through settlement or ends in a jury trial, the types of damages that could be recoverable are the same.
How a Bluffton Side-Impact Car Accident Attorney Could Help
Whether a case is settled quickly or goes to trial, experienced legal counsel could play an important role in the process. For anyone that has suffered major injuries in a side-impact crash, the risk of taking on a claim without a strong legal team could be too much.
If you are ready to pursue monetary compensation for your injuries, let a Bluffton side-impact car accident lawyer guide you. Call Schiller & Hamilton today to schedule a free consultation.