Lancaster Nursing Home Physical Abuse Lawyer
Physical abuse can take many forms within the confines of a nursing home. While the term implies acts of violence, physical abuse also applies to a variety of mistreatment or unreasonable restraint. If your loved one has suffered this type of abuse, a compassionate nursing home abuse attorney could provide them with compensation for their injuries.
If you have discovered evidence of abuse, contact a Lancaster nursing home physical abuse lawyer right away. With their assistance, you could hold negligent nursing home staff accountable for their actions.
Defining Physical Abuse
Physical abuse involves any infliction of physical injury on a nursing home resident. A common form of physical abuse is acts of violence. Punching, slapping, kicking, or biting are all forms of physical abuse. Common injuries stemming from physical abuse include:
- Sprains
- Cuts
- Broken bones
- Bruising
- Head trauma
- Neck injuries
Intentional acts of violence are not the only way these injuries might occur. Employees of the facility that are careless or poorly trained could injure a resident unintentionally. That does not absolve them of civil liability, however. A Lancaster attorney could hold a negligent nursing home employee accountable for any act of physical abuse.
Another form of physical abuse involves the use of restraints that are not medically necessary. There are limited circumstances where healthcare professionals can restrain a patient for their own safety, but using these restraints outside of those limited circumstances are examples of abuse. This includes not only physical restraints but chemical restraints as well.
Warning Signs
Some of the signs of physical abuse are obvious. Cuts, bruises, and broken bones are often hard to miss. There are important signs of physical abuse to watch for outside of these visible injuries, however. A loved one that walks with a limp or favors a part of the body could be concealing an injury. It is fairly common for abuse victims to lie about their mistreatment or hide their abuse. Many are in fear of retaliation from their abuser if they complain.
Other warning signs to consider could include poor hygiene, personality changes, signs of restraints on the skin. It can be possible to identify abuse in some situations by visiting at unexpected times or during unexpected hours.
Recovering Compensation for Damages
There could be substantial monetary compensation available with the help of a Lancaster nursing home physical abuse attorney. In addition to compensating the nursing home resident for their suffering, these damages could also cover the substantial costs associated with changing nursing homes. When injuries result in medical expenses, a successful civil claim could cover these costs.
Compensation could also be available for the pain and suffering of an abused nursing home resident. While it can be challenging to place a value on a person’s pain or suffering, the testimony of a nursing home resident regarding their treatment could lead to a significant damage award.
Speak with a Lancaster Nursing Home Physical Abuse Attorney
If you suspect your loved one has been abused physically in a Lancaster nursing home, it is important to act immediately. Once the safety of your family member is certain and law enforcement has been notified, your next move could be to pursue a civil action.
A Lancaster nursing home physical abuse lawyer could guide you during the litigation process. From filing a lawsuit to negotiating a settlement, their experience could greatly benefit the claim of your family member. To start a claim, set up an initial consultation right away.