Rock Hill Domestic Violence Lawyer

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Such criminal domestic violence charges as spousal abuse or assault are often overcharged but can be very difficult to resolve. When a dispute between spouses or intimate partners gets noisy or out of hand, law enforcement officers responding to a call will usually arrest and charge the man, regardless of the true facts of the case. Women are sometimes surprised to find that they can’t just make the case go away by asking to drop the charges against the husband or boyfriend. Contact our Rock Hill criminal defense lawyer today.

If you need dependable advice about the best ways to resolve Rock Hill criminal domestic violence charges, contact a defense lawyer at Schiller & Hamilton in Rock Hill,  or Beaufort for A Complimentary Strategy Session and your options for resolving

We not only work hard to help our client overcome a charge of assault or abuse. Our lawyers also look out for your long-term interests involving a child custody dispute, a professional licensing concern or a security clearance. Conviction of domestic assault also can result in the loss of your gun ownership rights, and our attorneys can help you think through the consequences of a plea offer that might appear attractive but creates additional problems for you.

How a Rock Hill Domestic Violence Attorney Might Help

As well as representing people charged with criminal domestic violence offenses, our attorneys also advise clients who need help with alleged violations of protective orders or restraining orders issued without notice to the person restrained. Depending on the defendant’s previous record, these cases can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies. In our experience, we find that getting the whole story of the incident in front of the state’s solicitor and the judge can make a significant difference in our client’s favor.

To find out more about our experience with the defense of domestic assault charges in the South Carolina courts, contact a Rock Hill criminal domestic violence defense attorney at Schiller & Hamilton.

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