Rock Hill – Jackknife Truck Accidents

Rock Hill Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

A jackknife accident occurs when a truck’s trailer or cargo goes in one direction while the cab jolts the opposite way. Many factors can cause these crashes. Improper brake maintenance can result in a jackknife, as the trailer locks while the cab continues forward. Semi-trucks can also slide and roll when traveling too quickly, especially on slick roadways. Jackknife collisions can be incredibly dangerous, as the vehicle may cross multiple lanes of traffic and place numerous other drivers at risk.

Fortunately, individuals involved in jackknife truck accidents in Rock Hill may have legal recourse. Before filing a negligent driving claim, seek legal assistance from a skilled truck crash attorney. Semi-truck accident lawyers may be able to help you seek damages against a negligent truck driver.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Jackknife Crash?

Not every jackknife accident in Rock Hill is the driver’s fault. If the crash was caused by a poorly maintained vehicle, the maintenance or trucking company could be to blame. Likewise, mechanical defects could place liability on the parts manufacturer.

Failure to Property Maintain a Vehicle

Drivers or trucking companies that do not perform necessary maintenance breach their duty to keep others on the road safe. Insufficient brake pads can result in brake failure, as well as jackknifing. Experienced drivers should check brake fluid and inspect brakes that appear to be nearing the end of their lifespan. Failure to do so could lead to serious accidents and injuries. When this occurs, an experienced jackknife truck accident lawyer could help Rock Hill drivers hold the at-fault parties accountable.

Negligent Operation of a Truck

Drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely, but they sometimes fail to do so by exceeding speed limits or ignoring road conditions. For example, truck drivers should reduce speed and exercise more caution in icy conditions. If a Rock Hill truck driver is involved in a jackknife truck accident because they failed to operate the vehicle responsible, they or their employer may be held liable.

Proximate cause is a term used to describe the causal influence of an action on a result. Truck drivers that breach a duty of care must, in some way, cause the injury sustained by a plaintiff for a valid negligence action to exist. If duty, breach, proximate cause, and injury are proven, a plaintiff may recover damages for the defendant’s negligence.

What if the Victim is Partially Responsible?

Not every accident is black and white. In some cases, the victim may share partial responsibility for the wreck. Under South Carolina Code of Laws §15-38-15, victims may still be able to recover compensation if they are 50 percent or less at-fault for the crash, but their total award may be reduced. For example, someone who was 20 percent responsible for a jackknife accident could recover 80 percent of their total damages.

Get Help for Jackknife Truck Accidents in Rock Hill

When a truck jackknifes, everyone on the road is in danger. Multiple cars can collide, causing catastrophic damage to persons and property. The truck driver, their employer, a maintenance company, or even a parts manufacturer may be at fault, and you may be able to recover damages as a result.

Consider contacting an experienced lawyer after a jackknife truck accident in Rock Hill. Knowledgeable lawyers at Schiller & Hamilton could guide you through the legal process while you focus on your health.