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Experienced South Carolina Personal injury Lawyers Focused on Fighting for You

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Should I Accept a Settlement from My Insurance Company?

After a motorcycle accident, you usually expect to get compensation from the at-fault driver or their insurance company. Sometimes, this is not possible, and you have to turn to your own insurer for compensation. When that happens, it can be difficult to know how to handle your claim. When you receive a settlement offer, you might even wonder if you should accept a settlement from your own insurance company.

You are entitled to fair and appropriate compensation after an accident that was not your fault. If your accident involved a hit-and-run driver or an uninsured one, you might have to obtain it from your own insurer. That should not stop you from recovering all the damages you are entitled to receive. A personal injury lawyer in your area can help you weigh the merits of your insurance company’s offer.

When Your Insurance Company Might Offer You a Settlement

While you can handle your insurance claim on your own, it can be beneficial to understand why motorcycle wrecks demand motorcycle riding attorneys. A lawyer who knows the thrill, responsibility, and risks of riding can also explain how personal injury and insurance law works in your case.

Your lawyer can also explain what circumstances could lead you to seek compensation from your own insurance company. Provide your lawyer with a complete copy of your policy including any attachments or addendums.

An Accident Involving an Underinsured or Uninsured Driver

Every state in the U.S. requires registered vehicle owners to carry minimal auto insurance or to otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility. If the driver in your case was not insured, your own insurance policy could cover the costs of your accident. If the at-fault driver was underinsured, you could also recover damages from your insurer.

Your insurance paperwork will tell your lawyer:

  • whether these types of coverages are part of your policy
  • whether MedPay is available to cover medical expenses

Your paperwork will also tell your lawyer your policy’s limitations and important contact details.

Why You Should Consider Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Dealing with an insurance company after an accident can be a daunting experience. When you trust a motorcycle accident lawyer to handle your case, they take on the insurance company for you.

Your lawyer will:

  • Clarify complex legal terminology and jargon
  • Answer any of your legal questions and concerns
  • Provide ongoing updates on the progress of your case
  • Ensure your case receives a comprehensive valuation

Your lawyer will also handle all case-related verbal, written, and electronic communication.

A Lawyer Will Work with You without an Upfront Demand

Are you hesitant to hire a personal injury lawyer because you are afraid of the costs? Don’t be. Most personal injury lawyers will represent you on a contingency fee basis. This means they do not require any upfront payment and only take their fees out of your settlement if you win your case.

Without any upfront costs, your lawyer will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation
  • Compile and organize evidence
  • Complete insurance claim forms
  • Draft and file your court case
  • Handle case-related communication
  • Locate and hire expert witnesses

Your lawyer will also negotiate on your behalf to obtain the best possible settlement for you — even when it comes from your insurer. If your case has to go to trial, we will also represent you there.

Compensation Your Lawyer Can Help You Recover

Your motorcycle accident attorney can negotiate a financial settlement. The damages they help you recover can include:

  • All accident-related medical bills
  • All accident-related loss of income
  • Treatment-related travel expenses
  • Motorcycle damage or loss
  • Physical disability or disfigurement
  • Ongoing physical pain and suffering
  • Ongoing mental and emotional anguish

No two personal injury cases are exactly alike, and each will have its own financial value. The best way to ensure your case is not undervalued or underpaid is to let a lawyer in your area assess and calculate your damages for you.

Start Preparing Your Compensation Request Right Away

Your right to recover damages has a time limit according to the state where the accident occurred. Do not allow the filing deadline to expire. If it does, you could lose the ability to file your lawsuit at all. If you do file after the filing deadline expires, it will simply be dismissed without ever being heard.

A personal injury lawyer will make sure your case is filed on time. They will also make sure any factors that cause the statute of limitations to fluctuate are considered. This includes the age of anyone injured in the accident, the accident’s outcome, and certain actions taken by the at-fault party.

Call for Your Free Case Review

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident with a hit-and-run or uninsured driver, our personal injury law firm can help. We can explain how to get compensation from your insurance company and how to know when you should accept their settlement offer.

Get started fighting for your financial compensation by contacting one of our Schiller & Hamilton team members for your free case review today.