York County – Defective Products

York County Defective Products Lawyer

When you suffer a significant injury due to a dangerous or defective product, it can be challenging to know what steps to take. Often, the severity of these injuries can have a long-term impact on a consumer’s life. If you are living with an injury or illness due to a faulty product, contact a York County defective products lawyer right away.

With the help of a skilled personal injury attorney, you might be able to recover monetary damages for your injury or illness. This compensation could pay your medical bills, cover your lost wages, and make up for the physical pain you suffered due to the defect. To get started, call right away and schedule an initial consultation.

Types of Product Defects

There are three types of defective product claims: manufacturing defects, design defects, and marketing defects.

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing defect is defined as a flaw or error in a product that occurred during the manufacturing process. These defects could stem from operator error or a machinery malfunction. A manufacturing defect could impact a small batch of goods or years’ worth of consumer products.

Design Defects

Design defects occur when a product’s design results in an unacceptable risk. When a product is unreasonably dangerous even when used as directed and manufactured to exact specifications, the design is likely defective. To prevail, a York County product liability attorney may present evidence of another, less dangerous, design that would accomplish the same goals as the defective design.

Marketing Defects

The term “marketing” might conjure images of billboards or other display ads, but its meaning is different in the world of product liability. Defective marketing relates to the instructions or warnings that come with a consumer good. In some cases, an injury occurs because the instructions were not clear. In other cases, a consumer might suffer an injury because the marketing material failed to identify a significant risk. In either case, an injury victim might have a claim for damages.

Common Examples of Defective Products

Any product currently on the market could be defective or dangerous in some way. There is no simple way to determine when a defect will occur or who is responsible for it. However, there are certain types of products that are more likely than others to result in a dangerous defect. These products include:

No matter the type of product, a York County defective products attorney could help an injured consumer hold the manufacturer accountable through the process of litigation.

The Statute of Limitations for a York County Product Liability Case

Every York County products liability case must comply with the statute of limitations. This South Carolina statute is the legal deadline for filing a claim. If the plaintiff does not file on time, the court has the right to dismiss it permanently.

According to South Carolina Statute 15-3-530, the statute of limitations for a defective products lawsuit is generally three years from the date of injury.

Reach out to a York County Defective Products Attorney Right Away

When you purchase a product, you expect it to be safe if used appropriately. Unfortunately, many individuals are injured by dangerous consumer goods through no fault of their own.

If you sustained an injury due to a defective product, you have legal rights. A seasoned York County defective products lawyer might be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Call now to set up your initial consultation with Schiller & Hamilton.