York County – Premises Liability

York County Premises Liability Lawyer

When a hazard exists on a York County property, the potential for an injury is real. If the hazard harms a visitor, they could suffer significant injuries, including broken bones, lacerations, or burns. Fortunately, a seasoned injury attorney is available review an injury victim’s case to see if they are entitled to monetary compensation. To see if you have case, contact a York County premises liability lawyer right away.

Classification of Visitors in York County

The relationship a visitor has with the property where they sustained their injury is critical in a premises liability case. Property owners owe a different standard of care to different guests, depending on their reason for being present on the premises. This classification is a critical issue in every premises liability case, as it will shape the burden a York County premises liability attorney must meet to prevail at trial.

There are three types of visitors in York County: invitees, licensees, and trespassers.


An invitee is a visitor who enters the land for the benefit of the property owner. Written or express invitations are not required, as invitees are typically customers entering a place of business. The owner of real property owes all invitees a duty of care to protect against any hazards on the premises.


A licensee is a visitor who enters a York County property for their own purposes, such as social guests. While licensees also enter property lawfully, they do not enjoy the same guarantees as an invitee. A property owner owes licensees a duty to warn them of any hazards that are not obvious.


Any visitor who enters a York County property without permission is considered a trespasser. While landowners typically do not owe adult trespassers a duty of care, some limited exceptions may be best explained during a consultation with a York County premises liability attorney.

The same rules do not apply to child trespassers, however. If the premises contain a hazard likely to attract children, the landowner might face liability unless they took steps to secure the hazard.

Deadline to File a Premises Liability Case

There is a deadline to file every lawsuit in York County. Known as the statute of limitations, this deadline bars a plaintiff from proceeding with a claim if too much time elapses.

According to South Carolina Statute 15-3-530, a plaintiff has three years from the date of a premises liability accident to file suit. While opportunities to extend the statute of limitations are rare, it could be beneficial to discuss that possibility with a York County premises liability attorney.

Call a York County Premises Liability Attorney Today

If you suffered an injury on another person’s property, the landowner might have had an obligation to protect you from the hazard. A York County premises liability lawyer could review the facts surrounding your injury to determine if you have a viable claim.

The deadline to file an injury lawsuit is short, so time is of the essence. To get started, reach out for a free consultation right away.