York County – Workers’ Compensation

York County Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

South Carolina offers financial benefits in the form of workers’ compensation for individuals injured or killed in workplace accidents. These benefits might help with medical expenses, lost wages, and provide disability benefits for workers who have suffered on-the-job injuries. The process for filing a claim can be complicated, however, so you may wish to consult a York County workers’ compensation lawyer for advice as quickly as possible following your accident.

Employers typically must maintain workers’ comp coverage for their employees, and workers may be eligible for benefits even if their employers were not at fault for their accidents. Nonetheless, this system can be challenging to navigate. A skilled personal injury attorney could work with you to document your injuries and build a strong claim for the maximum benefits to which you are entitled.

Workplace Accidents in York County

Workplace accidents are a common occurrence in York County and throughout the country. Some common causes of on-the-job injuries include:

  • Falls from scaffolding, ladders, stairs, and other heights
  • Back, neck, and muscle injuries from overexertion due to pushing, pulling, and lifting frequently
  • Repetitive use, causing stress or strains
  • Slipping on slick or hazardous surfaces

You are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim regardless of fault for your injuries. Common workplace negligence that led to accidents, according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) research, though, include:

  • Lack of appropriate fall protection
  • Insufficient respiratory protection
  • Ladders and scaffolding of varying heights
  • Protection from hazardous substances
  • Lack of eye and face protection

The resulting injuries can range from mild strains and sprains to broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries. While surgery, rest, and rehabilitation can heal some wounds, other injuries can result in permanent impairment and a complete inability to work. In these cases, a workers’ comp attorney in York County may be able to assist injured workers in filing the necessary paperwork for benefits.

Steps to Take Following an Injury or Illness on the Job

While workers are typically entitled to coverage when they sustain injuries in the course of their employment, they also have responsibilities to qualify for those benefits. Although emergency medical treatment should always come first, injured employees must report accidents within 90 days of their occurrence. Failure to do so could result in the denial of workers’ compensation benefits.

Thorough documentation of an accident can be critical because victims must demonstrate that the injury took place at work. However, qualifying injuries do not always happen in the physical workplace. As long as your injuries occurred while the workers were acting in the course and scope of their employment, they should qualify for coverage.

Types of Workers’ Comp Benefits for Injured York County Employees

Depending on the nature and extent of the workplace accident or injury, employees may qualify for different types of workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits may include:

  • Medical expenses necessary for the treatment of work-related illnesses or injuries
  • Income replacement benefits of about two-thirds of the average weekly wage of the injured worker
  • Long-term disability benefits for workers who suffer catastrophic injuries or whose injuries result in death
  • Death benefits, including funeral and burial costs for a fatally injured loved one

Although these benefits are available for all eligible employees via worker’s compensation insurance, obtaining them is not always an easy or straightforward process. In this situation, injured workers may find it beneficial to consult a workman comp attorney in York County.

Get Legal Representation From Our Workers’ Comp Lawyers

You could attempt to handle the complex process of obtaining worker’s comp benefits on your own. When our law firm handles your case, we handle the paperwork and details of building your case so you can concentrate on getting better. We will:

  • Offer a free initial consultation at no cost or obligation
  • Document your injuries and your current medical condition
  • Assess your average weekly wages to prove the value of your financial compensation
  • Document your work-related injury or illness

We will explain workers’ comp laws, your rights, and your employer’s responsibility. Our team also manages your application and will guide you through an effective appeal if your initial request for benefits is denied.

Speak with a York County Workers’ Compensation Team Member for Advice

Consulting legal counsel as soon as possible after a workplace injury or illness can be critical to the success of a claim. If disputes arise as to the necessity of medical treatment or whether an injury qualifies for benefits, a York County workers’ compensation lawyer may be able to advocate on your behalf. Reliable and effective legal guidance throughout the workers’ comp claims process could help you present a compelling claim for benefits.

The physical and mental toll that workplace injuries and illnesses can place on you can make it difficult to handle the complicated process of seeking benefits. Allowing legal counsel to represent your interests throughout the claims process can allow you to focus on your health. Call Schiller & Hamilton today to set up a consultation with a workers’ compensation attorney.