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Misconceptions About Auto Accident Attorneys

Usually, the first thing time an accident victim comes in to one of our offices seeking help with an injury claim they often will apologize for wanting to hire a lawyer. Having to meet with a lawyer makes them feel like a bad person. They feel that way because of the public perception about personal injury and automobile accidents is usually not good. They think that for people who get hurt in these accidents, getting a lawyer involved will be viewed as greedy or unnecessary. When it comes to protecting your rights, getting the help you need should not be something for which to apologize.

The second misconception that happens is that a lot of people assume that the insurance company is going to take care of everything for them. They have seen all the commercials, “you are in good hands,” “like a good neighbor”, and “we are on your side”. As a result of these commercials, people assume that as long as the other person has insurance, that insurance company is going to handle everything for them and take care of them. However, that is simply not the case most of the time. An insurance company is in the business to make substantial profits. They do this by paying as little as possible on claims.