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What To Do After an Auto Wreck Injury in South Carolina

Injured? Get Help Now Don’t Wait

There is no question that car wrecks are nearly always painful, annoying, inconvenient experiences for everyone involved. It is natural after a car crash to ask questions of those around you and there is typically no shortage of opinions. The road to recovery both medically and financially begins with proper medical care.

Due to the lengths insurance adjusters will go to avoid paying claims, it is imperative you speak with an auto injury lawyer before giving a statement to an insurance adjuster. Insurance companies will seize upon what you might think is a harmless statement and use it as a reason to deny liability.

You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills

A tragedy that I encounter entirely too often involves genuine car wreck injury victims who are afraid to seek medical attention. Often these people have spoken to insurance companies and listened to an adjuster or even well-intentioned loved ones who tell them to be worried about medical costs. These victims are always worried. They are worried about what the insurance company will do, worried about their health and worried about their finances. The tragedy is that these people have listened to everyone and everything except what their own body is telling them.

If you are suffering significant levels of pain, your body is telling you that you are injured. Your own health and recovery needs to be your priority and you should consult a doctor immediately.

Seek prompt medical attention after a car wreck

The time after a car wreck is not the time to tough out an injury or wait. Unfortunately, an all too common reason that insurance companies use to refuse to pay is a “gap in treatment”. They love to say that if you were actually hurt in the wreck, you would have seen a doctor sooner. Practical reasons can get in the way of receiving proper medical care. Typical examples are lack of health insurance, cost of treatment, time and simply being unfamiliar with the health care system. We can help you navigate those issues so that you can get the treatment you need. Don’t be a victim twice.

Our South Carolina car wreck attorneys will deal with insurance companies on your behalf

One of these first things I tell new clients is that it is my job to deal with the insurance carrier and it is their job to get well. Making your health a priority not only gets you on the road to recovery sooner but helps protect you from the insurance carrier when they are evaluating your claim. Be proactive about getting yourself better and the medical record will accurately reflect the nature and extent of your injury so that you will be compensated properly. If you have questions or need help in getting proper medical care after an accident, please do not hesitate to call us at any of our convenient locations.

We have been helping families in Rock HillBlufftonBeaufort, and Lancaster and South Carolina for decades. Let us put our experience to work for you and help you find your Road to Recovery.